欢迎来到广东松田空调电器有限公司网站,我公司位于与广州地缘相连、历史相承、文化同源的佛山市。 具体地址是广东省佛山市南海区南海区和顺顺和工业区1号,联系人是candy duan。
主要经营We manufacture various kinds of TV products including CRT TVs from14" to 34". Furthermore, we are going to produce LCD TVs in 20", 27", 32" and 37" and PDP TVs in 42" and 50" within these years.。
公司主要经营, We manufacture various kinds of TV products including CRT TVs from14" to 34". Furthermore, we are going to produce LCD TVs in 20", 27", 32" and 37" and PDP TVs in 42" and 50" within these years.